Suggested Courses for
Business Administration (BUS)
Transfer Students
1) Major Course Options:
BUS 206: Career Readiness and Professional Development (2-units)
BUS 346: Principles of Marketing
BUS 387: Organizational Behavior
BUS 391: Information Systems
BUS 404: Governmental and Social Influences on Business
Technology Management Requirement, select one of the following:
o ^ITP 303: Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
o ^ITP 326: Product Design and Development
o ^ITP 330: Packaging Fundamentals (satisfies Upper-Division B)
o ^ITP 341: Technology Management (satisfies Upper-Division B)
o ^ITP 371: Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing and Services
International Business Requirement, select one of the following:
o BUS 301: Global Financial Institutions and Markets
o BUS 302: International and Cross-Cultural Management
o Check tentative course offerings for BUS 303, BUS 304, BUS
410, BUS 446, and ECON 330
2) Support Course Options:
*STAT 252: Statistical Inference for Management II (5-
Check your Degree Progress for any incomplete Support Courses
3) General Education (GE) Course Options:
GE: Upper-Division B GE: Upper-Division C GE: Upper-Division D
Taking ITP 330 or ITP 341 double counts for Technology Management
Requirement and Upper-Division B general education requirement
For planning purposes, refer to the Tentative Course Offerings for the
planned course offerings by quarter
*Course is required or strongly recommended in Fall due to prerequisites
^Will need to check prerequisites for this course, although recommended to do so for all courses.
Important Information:
It is recommended that you enroll in 12 18 units
The Graduation Writing Requirement (GWR) must be fulfilled before
graduation by either enrolling in a GWR-certified, upper-division course
(which may double-count with the Upper-Division C) OR by completing
the GWR Portfolio (UNIV 401). For more information on the GWR
Portfolio, click here.
To find out which classes can satisfy the GWR, select "Expand Filters"
in the upper right-hand corner of the Schedule Builder screen and
search by GWR.
The United States Cultural Pluralism (USCP) requirement must be
satisfied before graduation. USCP courses may double-count with a
remaining GE requirement and are searchable on Schedule Builder.
Credit/No Credit: You have the option of taking a GE or Free Elective
class credit/no credit (CR/NC). Keep in mind that although you can
take up to 16 units credit/no credit, only 4 of the units may be used
toward a GE. The other 12 units can go toward free elective or minor
courses. Your major, support, and concentration courses may never be
taken credit/no credit in OCOB.
Recommended Courses Based on Concentrations
Thinking of a specific concentration? We recommend starting as soon
as possible with the following course(s) based on each concentration.
Transfer students typically take most of their concentration courses in their
second year at Cal Poly. Transfer students are required to declare their
concentration on May 31st, one year after starting at Cal Poly. Check out our
website to learn more about each concentration option:
BUS 319: Accounting Information Systems
BUS 320: Federal Income Taxation for Individuals.
BUS 321: Intermediate Accounting I
Consumer Packaging
BUS 346: Principles of Marketing (prerequisite for BUS 396, BUS 418:
concentration courses)
ITP 234: Packaging Design Fundamentals
ITP 330: Packaging Fundamentals (also satisfies Upper-Division B)
BUS 310: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
BUS 346: Principles of Marketing (prerequisite for BUS 418
concentration course)
BUS 342: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (prerequisite for BUS
330 concentration course)
STAT 252: Statistical Inference for Management II (prerequisite for
BUS 342)
BUS 391: Information Systems (prerequisite for BUS 439 and BUS
BUS 342: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (prerequisite for BUS
439 and 431 concentration courses)
ECON 339: Econometrics or STAT 324: Applied Regression Analysis.
(ECON 339 also counts for the Accounting/ECON elective in the
Information Systems (IS)
BUS 391: Information Systems (prerequisite for BUS 392
concentration course)
BUS 346: Principles of Marketing (prerequisite for several
concentration courses)
BUS 347: Professional Selling Skills (Marketing approved elective)
Management & Human Resources (HR)
BUS 387: Organizational Behavior (Intro to HR, prerequisite to HR
BUS 382: Leadership and Organizations
BUS 384: Human Resources Management
BUS 310: Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Management & Human
Resources approved elective)
Real Estate Finance (REF)
STAT 252: Statistical Inference for Management II (prerequisite for
BUS 342 major course)
ECON 311: Intermediate Microeconomics I (REF approved elective;
prerequisite for ECON 434)
BUS 391: Information Systems (prerequisite for BUS 439)
Quantitative Analysis
STAT 252: Statistical Inference for Management II (prerequisite STAT
Look at concentration course options for preferred track (analytics,
statistics & decision analysis, and mathematical foundations)
Additional Notes, Tips, Tricks, and More
Always check course prerequisites. This can be done by searching a
class name in the top right search bar of this page
Complete support courses as soon as possible.
GE Areas: B4, Lower Division D2 and one GE Elective are built into
your curriculum under support courses (but may not have been
fulfilled by support courses taken outside of Cal Poly).
Cal Poly has a first-round enrollment capacity of 18 units and a second
round enrollment capacity of 22 units.
When you are enrolling, try to prioritize classes that will be harder to
get into and then save the rest for open enrollment.
Students can sometimes double count degree requirements. Double
counting occurs when one class satisfies two degree-requirements. ITP
341 and ITP 330 can be double counted with your Upper-division B
Check in with the Student Services Office at least once a quarter to
ensure that you are on track towards degree completion
More on BUS 206: Career Readiness and Professional Development
There are sections designed specifically for new Transfer Students.
They focus on concentration exploration and foundational skills to be
competitive for internships.
Class Sections will be announced during Transfer SLO Days.
Student Services Information:
03-100 Orfalea Student Services
Student Services General Number: (805) 756-2601
Chris Ainsworth: Academic Advisor dedicated to supporting transfer
students. He can be reached at